Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Fight Someone - How to block

People who don't know how to fight someone should know that there is something else then attack someone, if you don't know how to fight and what blocking is then read on.

If you fight then you will be attacked and i thought why not tell everyone what i think about blocking punches and kicks and the various ways to do it.

So imagine someone is trying to punch you with his rear hand,
what you want to do is either step back a little and push his hand in the direction his punch goes while you make a small sitestep OR you want to step a bit forward and bring your elbow up to guard your face and ur lower arm and hand will guard the back of your head.

While doing the second one, you can headbutt the opponent while you step into him, but make sure you hit him whith the upper left or right side of your head, because the front has very thin skin that can easily bust open.

Sidestepping is a good thing to use in a fight especially if you don't know how to fight someone, sidestepping can be beneficial to both evading and blocking and preparing an attack.

I like to direct the punches and jabs thrown at me with my leading hand while i do a small sidestep in a circulair move.

If you never had a fight before and don't know how to fight, then you should practice a bit even if you have no partner.

To do so just practice with an imaginary opponent.

It is important to have a good timing, you have to be able to perceive the movement of the arm that is trying to hit you without thinking about how to block it, you just have to let your body react to the movement.

To achive that you will have to practice to block or evade punches.

Another easy method you can use is to just throw your arm against the opponents arm to redirect his fist away from your face or body.

I hope i didn't write to complicated.

Enjoy my how to fight someone series.

More coming soon.



Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Fight Someone - A Quick Guide

How to fight someone - A quick Guide

This is a quick guide to increase the change to walk away as the winner.

I will give you MY opinion and i don't say its the ultimate one but its certainly some good advice especially if you never had a fight before and don't know how to fight someone.

1.Always face your opponent.

Always keep your opponent in front of you, don't try to pull off spinning kicks or fists unless you know what you are doing, even then i wouldn't recommend it, this can especially be fatal to beginners who don't know how to fight.

2. Keep your body/muscles relaxed.

Don't flex your Muscles unless you are being hit.
And while striking, try to flex your muscles of the striking limb only a split second before you hit the Target, this will make your strike faster and more effective.

3. Know where to hit.

Keep in mind where the human body is vulnerable, its best to hit vital points instead of just going berserk.

Here is a video i found, which displays the vital points and explains them a bit(sorry the quallity is a bit weak):

4. Keep "YOUR" distance.

Always keep the distance that you feel is best for you, don't let your Opponent dictate how close you two get.

Take steps sideways or backwards or stop him with a front kick, like it is commonly done in Muay thai.

5. Keep a good Fighting stance.

You should practice a good stance before you ever get into a fight.
There are various stances but if you don't know any, then try one where your legs are shoulder wide apart and one foot a bit more towards the back, also don't keep both feet in one line.

If you stand straight up and your feet are spread apart shoulder wide, then imagine a line in the middle of them.

Put one foot back and one to the front.

Always keep each foot on its own side of the line to keep a good balance.

Experiment with the directions your toes point at, that will show you how to move into different directions.

Keep your Hands/Guard up at all times.

6. Avoid being hit.

If he tries to hit you, step out of the critical area or block his jabs and punches with the corresponding arm.

Don't try to block hooks, evade them by ducking or sidestepping.

7. Attack

Don't just let him hit you, hit him back for your own sake :P
For example after evading a blow, he is likely to reveal a vulnerable spot or to be in a position where you can strike.

Don't miss out on this opportunity, this can decide the Fight immediately.

That's it for now, if you have any questions just ask ahead.



how to Fight Someone - Select your Martial art

There are hundreds of Martial arts or fighting styles like Muay Thai, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Karate, Escrima etc. each one more or less effective and unique in its own way.

So which one to pick?

People ask what the best Martial art or the strongest style is and all i can say is:There is none.

You can't label any to be the "best" there is only a best for you, the one you like best, the one you can adapt to best, the one that feels right for you.

Certainly effectiveness is a vital point but how can you trust the opinion of others to judge what you deem effective for yourself?

Right, you can't, you have to try it yourself, of course you should take advice but thats not it, you have to get outthere and try out different styles to see what suits you.

I myself tryed out many and alot of them have similaritys but are still different.

It also depends on what you want, if you just want to fight without weapons in a sportive way then Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing or Tae Kwon Do might suit you.

But if you are looking for something that has a bigger spectrum that includes fighting with weapons such as Knives or Sticks or defending against them, then you might want consider something like Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Escrima, Kali or Krav Maga.

I also want to mention that learning more then one art can be quite beneficial.

So just go ahead and try out some of them and you will see that there is one that will stick to.



How to Fight someone

I see alot of people ask about how to fight and often they get answers like "do martial arts" or that "fighting someone is no solution" to a problem.

Well, that might be true but there are situations where you will have to fight, if you want or not doesnt matter, where you can't just turn your back and walk away because exactly that could be fatal in some situations.

Keep that in mind as a first rule for fighting "never turn your back to your opponent".

So if you are stuck in a situation where you have to fight, don't freak out!
A fight is not as bad or as hard as it sometimes seems, i don't say its easy but its not impossible either even if you never had one before.

Try to concentrate, many people say that you have to stay calm, but if they ever have been in a fight they should know that staying calm is very difficult with all the adrenalin rushing trhough your body and heart pounding like a raging bull on fire.

So i recommend you better keep your eyes on the attacker and try not to think of your next move too much , thinking is not a good thing to do if you are in a fight, it will distract and prevent you from quickly reacting and adapting to the changing situation.

On that note keep this in mind as the second rule "try not to think too much".

In this blog i will concentrate on different ways to win a fight and ways how to fight someone and win the fight even if you have no edge at all.

So long,
