Thursday, April 9, 2009

how to Fight Someone - Select your Martial art

There are hundreds of Martial arts or fighting styles like Muay Thai, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Karate, Escrima etc. each one more or less effective and unique in its own way.

So which one to pick?

People ask what the best Martial art or the strongest style is and all i can say is:There is none.

You can't label any to be the "best" there is only a best for you, the one you like best, the one you can adapt to best, the one that feels right for you.

Certainly effectiveness is a vital point but how can you trust the opinion of others to judge what you deem effective for yourself?

Right, you can't, you have to try it yourself, of course you should take advice but thats not it, you have to get outthere and try out different styles to see what suits you.

I myself tryed out many and alot of them have similaritys but are still different.

It also depends on what you want, if you just want to fight without weapons in a sportive way then Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing or Tae Kwon Do might suit you.

But if you are looking for something that has a bigger spectrum that includes fighting with weapons such as Knives or Sticks or defending against them, then you might want consider something like Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Escrima, Kali or Krav Maga.

I also want to mention that learning more then one art can be quite beneficial.

So just go ahead and try out some of them and you will see that there is one that will stick to.



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