Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Fight someone

I see alot of people ask about how to fight and often they get answers like "do martial arts" or that "fighting someone is no solution" to a problem.

Well, that might be true but there are situations where you will have to fight, if you want or not doesnt matter, where you can't just turn your back and walk away because exactly that could be fatal in some situations.

Keep that in mind as a first rule for fighting "never turn your back to your opponent".

So if you are stuck in a situation where you have to fight, don't freak out!
A fight is not as bad or as hard as it sometimes seems, i don't say its easy but its not impossible either even if you never had one before.

Try to concentrate, many people say that you have to stay calm, but if they ever have been in a fight they should know that staying calm is very difficult with all the adrenalin rushing trhough your body and heart pounding like a raging bull on fire.

So i recommend you better keep your eyes on the attacker and try not to think of your next move too much , thinking is not a good thing to do if you are in a fight, it will distract and prevent you from quickly reacting and adapting to the changing situation.

On that note keep this in mind as the second rule "try not to think too much".

In this blog i will concentrate on different ways to win a fight and ways how to fight someone and win the fight even if you have no edge at all.

So long,


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